Northern Indigenous Health Alliance
Our project welcomes ALL people. We offer services including:
Support for people living with HIV, Hepatitis C, STIs, and STBBIs
Connection to traditional Indigenous ceremonies, medicines, and Elders
Information about HIV, Hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted blood borne injections (STBBIs) and testing
Free safer sex supplies
Preventative programs
Education and awareness surrounding HIV, Hepatitis C, STIs, and STBBIs
Our services are free and confidential.
Kakiyaw kitanameyicikatew (mawiyak takiskeyitam) kipikiskwewin, moya tatipahamehk.
HIV is an illness that can affect any person, regardless of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, or lifestyle.
There are more than 75,000 people living with HIV in Canada... 1 in 4 people don’t know they have it.
Our project wants to
help get to zero.
Zero new infections
Zero HIV related deaths
Zero discrimination

Zero shame
FACT: It is safe to be friends with someone who has HIV.
There is no cure for HIV but there are treatments. Advances in medicine mean that people living with HIV can now live long and healthy lives.
Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction is a way of thinking that accepts that people may do unhealthy things, and so aims to makes these things as safe as possible. Our project practices harm reduction by offering safer sex supplies and other harm reduction info. Regular testing and treatment is harm reduction.
(suppressed viral load)
(doesn't infect others)
Get Testing for HIV
HIV often presents with ZERO symptoms, meaning a person can be infected even if they feel completely healthy. Fortunately, getting tested is easy and free. It’s a simple blood test and can be requested by any doctor or nurse practitioner.
No one wants to be sick. No one deserves to be ill. Everyone deserves respect and treatment.
No Shame, No Blame
Our project aims to stop discrimination against people living with HIV. We offer education and awareness campaigns to replace misinformation with truth and understanding.
We also offer one-on-one support for people living with HIV. Our Outreach Worker can help you learn about your condition, how to find treatment, and how to talk to your loved ones.
Traditional Culture
We connect Indigenous clients with local elders and traditional medicines. Through Sagitawa, we also offer traditional teachings, and work to base our programs from an Indigenous world view.